Prof. Suma AthreyeAdjunct FellowContact infoEmail id:
Suma Athreye is Professor of Technology Strategy at Essex Business School and is a member of the Management Science and Entrepreneurship Group. Suma’s main research interests lie in the fields of Economics of Innovation and International Economics and she has published over 50 papers on these subjects and won several research grants for work in these areas. Suma’s current research centres upon identifying the barriers to wider IP use by small firms and universities.
She is an area editor for the Journal of International Business Policy and serves on the Editorial Board of the academic journals Research Policy, Journal of International Business Studies, Industrial and Corporate Change, Perspectives on Globalisation and Development, International Journal of Technological Learning; Innovation and Development and Multinational Business Review.
She has consulted to policy bodies such as the World Intellectual Property Organisation, worked closely with the UK Intellectual Property Office and was Rapporteur of the European Research Area (2008) report Opening to the world: International cooperation in Science and Technology and for the Joint Research Council’s (2016) report Approaches to and methods for evaluating new technologies in Technology Transfer Offices: How long is a piece of string? She also advises the Big Innovation Centre and the UK intellectual Property Office on their research as member of their research advisory boards.