Prof. Manmohan AgarwalAdjunct Senior FellowContact infoEmail id:
Prof. Manmohan Agarwal is currently the RBI Chair at Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum and an adjunct senior fellow with RIS. He is a retired professor from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India where he taught for almost thirty years. More recently he was a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) at Waterloo Canada where he worked on issues of the world economy including the G20 and South-South cooperation. Currently he is also an adjunct senior fellow with the Institute of Chinese Studies.
He also worked for a number of years at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. His research has been mainly in the area of international economics and development economics. More recently he has been working on the role of current account imbalances in generating the 2008 crisis, the impact of the crisis on developing countries, the G20 and macro coordination and the role of developing countries in the G20. In the area of development economics apart from South-South Cooperation he is working on MDGs and also the aid architecture including Southern development cooperation.