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  • Mr. Rajeev Kher
    Distinguished Fellow


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    Mr. Kher superannuated as Commerce Secretary, Government of India in 2015 after a career of 35 years in the Indian Administrative Service. He then worked as a Member in the Competition Appellate Tribunal for two years. He has now associated himself with some leading think tanks. He also advises a Private Equity. His field of experience includes broad areas of International Trade and Commerce, Competition Law and Policy, Sustainable Development Policy, Environmental Management, Global Governance, particularly with reference to trade and environment and Decentralised Governance.   He has held several important assignments in the Central Government and the State Government of UP. Some of the more prominent once include a tenure of 9 years in the Department of Trade and Commerce, a stint of 8 years in the Ministry of Environment and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in Delhi and senior level assignments in the Departments of Renewable Energy, Finance, Planning and Science and Technology, besides administering two very challenging charges of District Magistrates. He is credited with bringing in the first comprehensive Foreign Trade Policy for India.  His vision on international trade issues has been well respected by the stakeholder community within India and abroad. He led negotiations on behalf of his country for Trade Agreements with major blocks such as EU, EFTA, RCEP and ASEAN. His initiatives to bring discourse on India’s competitiveness in Trade in Services, evolution of Policy on Technical Regulations and Standards and India’s position on the Global and Regional value chains in the forefront of Policy making are much recognised by the stakeholder community. He is also credited with hand holding the Pharmaceutical sector in its pursuit to become global leader in Generic Medicine and his work is highly appreciated by the industry. His contribution towards creating an enabling framework for integration among 8 South Asian economies along with the CLMV segment of ASEAN has now been deeply embedded in India’s external relations. As Chief Negotiator in the WTO, Mr. Kher has been much applauded on having been instrumental in securing India’s interest as also of many developing nations on subsidies paid to farmers in procurements for food security and Protecting India’s interest in the Multilateral Trade Facilitation Agreement and putting our interests in Services at the centre stage of negotiations.  In the area of Environment and Development Mr. Kher contributed in a significant manner to the preparation of Country’s first National Environment Policy. He led Indian initiatives in preparation of a National Strategy on Sustainable Development and preparing stakeholders for Regulatory Impact Assessments.   He lectures in various institutions on subjects of his interest and has been on consultancy assignments with several multilateral, inter-governmental and bilateral institutions.  He has published work on India’s Patent Policy, Trade Policy, WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism, Product standards and Technical Regulations and several other related areas.