Dr . P . K . AnandVisiting FellowContact infoEmail id:pk.anand@ris.org.in
Dr. P.K.Anand is a Visiting Fellow at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), since completion of his stint at the NITI Aayog the think-tank of Government of India and successor to Planning Commission, where he was the lead for SDGs, Development Monitoring & Evaluation, Plan Appraisal and also handled International Cooperation, G-20, Industry, etc. He is equipped with PhD in Economics; and M.Sc. in Physics, and in Economics, latter from London School of Economics; Fellow, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. As a member of the Indian Administrative Service he served in ministries of textiles, defence, and rural development of Government of India; and headed at district and divisional levels besides handling Co-operative and Public Sector units and serving in education and industry departments in Government of Rajasthan.
At RIS, Dr. Anand is handling the work streams related to Localisation of SDGs and Indices, progress, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of SDGs; Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs; South-South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation on SDGs; Sustainable Agriculture, Food & Nutrition security and Water. He has published several research papers in his sphere of specialization/works, a few of which are:
- An RIS Report titled, ‘SDG 2 Roadmap’
- RIS Discussion Paper # 234: ‘Evolving Conceptual Framework and Monitoring Mechanism for SDGs in India’
- RIS Discussion Paper # 238: ‘Pathways for Country’s Official Statistical System to Surmount Over Policy Midget’
- RIS Discussion Paper # 240: ‘Sustainable Agriculture and Nutritional Security: Emerging Policy Options with Production Choices’
- RIS Discussion Paper # 263: ‘Post-pandemic Social Security Agenda: Universalising Developmental Interventions Over Universal Basic Income’
- RIS Discussion Paper # 269: ‘Skilling, Fulcrum of a Proactive Multidimensional Poverty Tracker Pathway’
- RIS Policy Brief # 92: ‘COVID-19 Lesson - A Time for Disruptive GPDPs’
- Article, ‘Food and Nutrition Security in COVID-19 Times’ in Special Issue-2, RIS Diary
- Book chapter titled, ‘Measuring the distance to 2030 SDG Targets in India and South Asia Imperatives’, published in Springer Nature book titled, ‘Sustainable Development Goals and Pandemic Planning: Role of Efficiency Based Regional Approaches’.
- A Policy brief titled, ‘Sustainable Energy, Food, and Water Systems’ as part of Task Force 10 for T20 Saudi Arabia
- A Policy brief titled, ‘How do we Know Goals are Achieved? Integrated and Multisectoral Early Childhood Monitoring and Evaluation Systems as Key to Developing Effective and Resilient Social Welfare Systems’ as part of Task Force 6 for T20 Italy
- An Article titled, ‘Food and Nutrition Security in G20: Reflections and Critical Gaps’ published in RIS ‘G20 Digest’
Areas of specialization
- SDGs
- Multidimensional Poverty, Inequity and Indices
- Sustainable Agriculture, Food & Nutrition Security and Water
- Application of Technologies for Sustainable Development
Email : pk.anand@ris.org.in