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  • Dr. J.R. Bhatt
    Distinguished Fellow

    J R Bhatt

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    Dr. J.R. Bhatt is an internationally recognized expert on various facets of environment, prominently climate change and biodiversity. As a lead negotiator, he regularly represented India, championing and mainstreaming the principles of conservation, sustainable development, equity, climate justice, balance between mitigation and adaptation, climate friendly lifestyles, means of implementation and technology transfer at over 90 important international meetings. He had been the Designated National Focal Point for all matters pertaining to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and for National Communications including Biennial Updates to the UNFCCC leading to the preparation of 2 National Communications, 3 Biennial Update reports and Long-Term Low Carbon Development Strategy on behalf of India. He also co-authored India’s First Biodiversity Action Plan which continues to form the basis for work on Biodiversity within the country. He has guided and mentored extensive research on climate change and biodiversity throughout the country. He has an unreserved commitment to India’s all round inclusive growth and development.