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RIS, an autonomous think-tank that specializes in issues related to international economic development, trade, investment, technology and finance, is looking for the services of young, dynamic and motivated Research Assistants on contractual basis for its policy research programme studies.


  • M.A. in Economics, with at least 55% marks, from a recognized university, as a regular student


  • Not more than 30 years.


  • Two years research experience in data analysis and knowledge in quantitative techniques
  • Having quality communication skills, innovative thinking and capability  to apply contemporaneous knowledge to policy relevant research, and commitment to work efficiently.

Nature of engagement:

  • Initially for one year. Subsequent renewal of  tenure  subject  to  overall performance review.


  • Rs. 65,000/- per month.

Please note:

  • Shortlisted candidates in terms of requisite qualifications and experience would be called for interview at RIS. Successful candidates would be immediately appointed or empanelled for upcoming vacancies upon fulfillment of procedural requirements, including submission of a medical certificate of health etc.
  • No payment would be made for appearing in the interview.
  • An indication about the amount of all inclusive last monthly remuneration drawn by the candidate, along with an idea about the time required to take up the assignment at RIS in case the same is offered would be appreciated.