India, Myanmar need to work to facilitate ASEAN trade: TeaotiaBusiness Standardबुधवार, 15 जून, 2016
India, Myanmar need to work to facilitate ASEAN trade: TeaotiaCNBC TV18बुधवार, 15 जून, 2016
Comm Min for greater border trade with MyanmarBusiness Standardबुधवार, 15 जून, 2016
Focus on border trade with Myanmar to boost `Act East' policy: studyDomain-b.comबुधवार, 15 जून, 2016
India is different from China on trade policy: Commerce SecyWebindia123बुधवार, 15 जून, 2016
India, Myanmar need to work to facilitate ASEAN trade: TeaotiaIndia Todayबुधवार, 15 जून, 2016
India, Myanmar need to work to facilitate ASEAN trade: TeaotiaPTIबुधवार, 15 जून, 2016
India is not allergic to goods coming in from China, says commerce secretaryThe Economic Timesबुधवार, 15 जून, 2016
India & US: aligning rhetoric & realityShyam Saran , Business Standardशुक्रवार, 10 जून, 2016
India in a tight spot at RCEP trade talksRam Upendra Das , Live Mintशुक्रवार, 27 मई, 2016