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Dr. S.K. Mohanty, Professor


Trade and Investment Prospects of the IOR-ARC in the New Millennium: New Economic Frontiers of the Region

Regional Cooperation for Infrastructure Development: Towards an Institutional Framework for Investment in the IOR-ARC

Economic Aspects of Fisheries: A Framework for Regional Cooperation in the IOR-ARC

Prospect of Promoting Regional Value Chain in South Asia

India-China Bilateral Trade Relationship

Expanding Trade and Investment Linkages between India and Africa: Towards a New Strategic Economic Partnership

Economic Interest of India to Consider Joining Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement in the presence of RCEP and TIPP

Chinese Trade Engagement with the South Asia: Implications for the Regional Economies

Expanding Investment Cooperation in South Asia: Feasibility OFDI from the Region

Empirical Assessment of Trade Effects of Non-Tariff Measures: A Cross-Country Analysis

Diversifying Technology-intensive Export Products through the Regional Process

India-COMESA Joint Study Report

  Project details (2013-14)


Trade and Investment Prospects of the IOR-ARC in the New Millennium: New Economic Frontiers of the Region

Regional Cooperation for Infrastructure Development: Towards an Institutional Framework for Investment in the IOR-ARC

Economic Aspects of Fisheries: A Framework for Regional Cooperation in the IOR-ARC

Prospect of Promoting Regional Value Chain in South Asia

India-China Bilateral Trade Relationship

Study on India-COMESA Joint Study Group

  Project details (2012-13)


Strategic Partnership for Policy Development and Action to Foster Regional Cooperation in South Asia

Trade Prospects of the IOR-ARC in the New Millennium: New Economic Frontiers of the Region

India-China Trade Relations: The Emerging Scenario

India-COMESA Economic Cooperation: A feasibility study



Trade Prospects of the IOR-ARC in the New Millennium: New Economic Frontiers of the Region

India-China Trade Relations: The Emerging Scenario



Strategic Partnership for Policy Development and Action to Foster Regional Cooperation in South Asia
India-Canada Joint Study Group on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)
Emergence of Large Developing Countries: Implications for Co-Developing Countries

New Shades of Collective Action from IBSA

IBSA Academic Forum
India’s Exports in Globally Dynamic Sectors

Global System of Trade Preferences: Towards the Third Round

Emerging Trade and Investment Linkages between India and Africa
Strategy for Export-Oriented Manufacturing

2008- 09

Emergence of Large Developing Countries: Implications for Co-Developing Countries [2006/09]

New Shades of Collective Action from IBSA [2008/09]
India’s Exports in Globally Dynamic Sectors [2008/09]
IBSA Academic Forum 2008 [2007/09]

Global System of Trade Preferences: Towards the Third Round [2005/09]

Emerging Trade and Investment Linkages between India and Africa [2008/09]

Africa-India Partnership in the 21st Century [2008/10]

Strategy for Export-Oriented Manufacturing [2004/09]


2007- 08

Strategy for Export-Oriented Manufacturing [2004/08]
Africa-India Partnership in the 21st Century [2008/10]
Global System of Trade Preferences: Towards the Third Round [2005/8]
IBSA Academic Forum [2007/09]
Feasibility of SACU-India-Mercosur Economic Partnership: Trade and Investment [2006/08]
Emergence of Large Developing Countries: Implications for Co-Developing Countries [2006/08]

2006 - 07

Strategy for Export-Oriented Manufacturing [2004/07]
Emergence of Large Developing Countries: Implications for Co-Developing Countries [2006/08]
Global System of Trade Preferences: Towards the Third Round [2005/7]
Feasibility of SACU India-Mercosur Economic Partnership: Trade and Investment [2006/08]
Towards a Prosper-Thy-Neighbour Policy for Southern Asia: Some Proposals [2006/07]

2005 - 06

Towards an Employment-Oriented Export Strategy: Some Preliminary Explorations [2004/06]
Strategy for Export Oriented Manufacturing [2004/07]
Global System of Trade Preferences: Towards the Third Round [2005/7]
Building Capabilities in Information Technologies: Exchange of Experiences between Developing Countries [2006/07]

2004 - 05

Towards an Employment-Oriented Export Strategy: Some Preliminary Explorations [2004/05]
Strategy for Export Oriented Manufacturing [2004/06]
Global System of Trade Preferences: Towards the Third Round [2005/6]
Building New Bridges in South-South Cooperation: A Study of India-Brazil–South Africa (IBSA) Economic Cooperation [2004/06]
India-Japan Economic Cooperation: Potential and Prospects [2005/06]
India-China Economic Relations: Some Explorations [2004/05]
Regional Economic Integration in South Asia: SAFTA and Beyond [2005/06]

2003 - 04

Strategy for Export Oriented Manufacturing [2004/05]
Regional Trading Arrangements and Developing Countries [2004/05]
Building New Bridges In South-South Cooperation: A Study of India-Brazil–South Africa (IBSA) Economic Cooperation [2004/05]
Studies on India-China Cooperation [2004/05]
Pan-Asian Economic Integration: the Way Forward [2004/05]
World Trade and Development Report 2003: Cancun and Beyond [2003/04]

2002 - 03

Globalization and the Non-Aligned Movement: An Economic Agenda for Action
The World Trade and Development Report 2003 and Other Preparations for the fifth Ministerial Conference of WTO
Enhancing Trade and Investment Cooperation in Asia: Issues Policies and Institutional Reforms
Implications of Agricultural Trade Liberalisation in Industrialised countries for Trade Prospects of South Asian Countries: A CGE Modelling Analysis
Feasibility Study of Extending Unilateral Tariff Preferences to the Least Developed Members of ASEAN
ASEAN-India Vision 2020
Implications of Economic Cooperation Among JACIK Countries: A CGC Modelling Approach
Closer Economic cooperation with Neighbouring Countries
Intra-Regional Trade Liberalization in South Asia-SAPTA and SAFTA
India-China Economic Relations