Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, Director-General | |
Classification of Countries and G-20 | |
Issues before Nairobi WTO Ministerial | |
G-20 Proposal/Trade and Investment Issues under G-20 | |
GATS and Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) | |
Post-2015 Global Development Agenda | |
India-ASEAN Sectoral Cooperation in Global Value Chains | |
South-South Cooperation: India-Africa Development Cooperation | |
Global Database on Trends in Southern Partnership | |
2013-14 | |
International Aid Architecture and Development Cooperation Approaches | |
Post Busan Dynamics of South-South Cooperation |
Global Ethics in Science and Technology |
Human Genetics and Access and Benefit Sharing under GenBenefit | |
Issues before IBSA | |
REWARD: Performance-based Innovation Rewards |
Biotechnology and Development | |
Innova P2 | |
Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of LMOs |
Promoting Global Responsible Research |
Project details (2013-14) | |
2012-13 | |
International Aid Architecture and Development Cooperation Approaches | |
Biotechnology and Development |
Post Busan Dynamics of South-South Cooperation |
Issues before IBSA | |
Global Ethics in Science and Technology | |
Innova P2 |
Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of LMOs | |
Promoting Global Responsible Research | |
Human Genetics and Access and Benefit Sharing under GenBenefit |
Project details (2012-13) | |
2011-12 | |
Development Cooperation Policies of Emerging Economies: Implications for India | |
Programme on Biotechnology and Development |
DAC Terms of Reference and Development Partnership Policies | |
Comparative Study of Indian S&T and Innovation Policy | |
2010-11 | |
Evolving Alternative Patent Regime (P-2) INNOVA P2 | |
Trade Processes and Procedures in Asia and the Pacific |
Asian Cooperation for Biotechnology Development | |
Technology Capacity Assessment in Asia-Pacific |
Emergence of Large Developing Countries: Implications for Co-Developing Countries |
IBSA Academic Forum |
Emerging Trade and Investment Linkages between India and Africa | |
South-South Cooperation in Genomics Innovation | |
South-South Cooperation in New Technologies | |
Development Cooperation Policies of Emerging Economies: Implications for India | |
The Indian Seed Industry | |
The Impact of Information Technology (IT) in Trade Facilitation on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in India | |
2009-10 | |
Evolving Alternative Patent Regime (P-2) INNOVA P2 |
South-South Cooperation in New Technologies | |
Asian Cooperation for Biotechnology Development | |
Technology Capacity Assement in Asia-Pacific | |
Trade Processes and Procedures in Asia and the Pacific | |
Emergence of Large Developing Countries: Implications for Co-Developing Countries | |
IBSA Academic Forum 2008 | |
Emerging Trade and Investment Linkages between India and Africa |
Africa-India Partnership in the 21st Century | |
South-South Cooperation in Genomics Innovation | |
Development Cooperation Policies of Emerging Economies: Implications for India [2007/10] |
The Indian Seed Industry | |
The Impact of Information Technology (IT) in Trade Facilitation on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in India | |
2007-08 | |
Evaluating the Development Impact of IT in Trade Facilitation [2008/09] | |
Development Cooperation Policies of Emerging Economies: Implications for India [2007/09] | |
Africa-India Partnership in the 21 st Century [2008/10] | |
South-South Cooperation in Genomics Innovation and Health Biotechnology [2006/09] | |
IBSA Academic Forum [2007/09] | |
Emergence of Large Developing Countries: Implications for Co-Developing Countries [2006/09] | |
Biotechnology and Asian Development [Ongoing] | |
Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing with Developing Countries [2006/09] | |
Intellectual Property Rights, Innovative Activity and Development [2008/10] | |
2006-07 | |
Study on Trends, Structure and Competitiveness of Indian Seeds Industry [2004/07] | |
South-South Cooperation in Genomics Innovation [2006/09] | |
Emergence of Large Developing Countries: Implications for Co-Developing Countries [2006/08] | |
Trade Facilitation Measures in South Asian FTAs: An Overview of Initiatives and Policy Approaches [2006/07] | |
Biotechnology and Asian Development [2004-2007] | |
Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing with Developing Countries [2006/09] | |
World Trade and Development Report 2007 [2005/07] | |
2005-06 | |
Study on Trends, Structure and Competitiveness of Indian Seeds Industry [2004/06] | |
Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing with Developing Countries [2006/09] | |
Trade Facilitation, Customs Valuation and Regional Integration in South Asia [2006/07] | |
Biotechnology and Asian Development [2004-2007] | |
National Consultations on Biosafety Guidelines and Cartagena Biosafety Protocol: Bridging the Gap [2004/06] | |
Trade Facilitation in the Doha Round [2005/06] | |
World Trade and Development Report 2006/07 [2005/07] | |
2004-05 | |
Study on Trends, Structure and Competitiveness of Indian Seed Industry [2004/06] | |
Biotechnology and Development [ongoing] | |
Biotechnology and Asian Development [2004-2007] | |
National Consultation on Biosafety Guidelines and Cartagena Biosafety Protocol: Bridging the Gap [2004/05] | |
Trade and Environment: Consistent Interpretation of the Precautionary Principle/Approach in Application to Different Agreements [2005/07] | |
Trade Facilitation in the Doha Round [2005/06] | |
2003-04 | |
Study on Trends, Structure and Competitiveness of Indian Seed Industry [2004/05] | |
Quantifying the Contribution of Technological Change to Economic Development: Case of Biotechnology [2003-05] | |
Biotechnology and Development [2004-2005] | |
Regional Cooperation for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in South Asia [2003/04] | |
South Asia Development and Cooperation Report 2004 [2003/04] | |
Biotechnology and Asian Development [2004-2007] | |
Environmental Standards Trade Agreements: Challenges for Developing Countries [2004-06] | |
World Trade and Development Report 2003: Cancun and Beyond [2003/04] | |
2002-03 | |
Globalization and the Non-Aligned Movement: An Economic Agenda for Action, RIS Work Programme | |
The World Trade and Development Report 2003,RIS Work Programme | |
Biotechnology and Development, UNESCO, Paris and Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India | |
Organic Products: Opportunities for India, RIS Work Programme | |