The Living Tree: Traditional Medicine and Public Health in China and India
Sachin Chaturvedi, Miltos Ladikas, Guo Lifeng, Krishna Ravi Srinivas (Eds) Academic Foundation, New Delhi in association with RIS
Survey Report on Biotechnology Capacity in Asia-Pacific: Opportunities for National Initiatives and Regional Cooperation
Sachin Chaturvedi, Krishna Ravi Srinivas
Development Cooperation and Emerging Powers - New Partners or Old Patterns?
Sachin Chaturvedi, Thomas Fues and Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, Zed Books
Environmental Risk Assessment, Socio- Economic Considerations and Decision-Making Support for LMOs in India
Sachin Chaturvedi, Wendy Craig, Vanga Siva Reddy and Decio Ripandelli
Published By: MoEF, GEF, World Bank, ICGEB and RIS
Environmental Requirements and Market Access for Developing Countries: Lessons from South Asian Experiences
Nagesh Kumar and Sachin Chaturvedi (eds.)
Published By: Academic Foundation
Biotechnology and Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Asia (eds)
Sachin Chaturvedi and S.R. Rao
Regime of the Intellectual Property Protection for Biodiversity: A Developing Country Perspective
Biswajit Dhar, Sachin Chaturvedi and R.V. Anuradha
WTO Agreements and Agricultural Sector: Implications and Options for India
Biswajit Dhar and Sachin Chaturvedi