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Vol. 2 No. 2   April, 1999


Biotechnology, Developing Countries and Globalization
Edgar J. DaSilva
Indian Agriculture and Opportunities with Biotechnology: A Case Study of Roundup Ready in India
Gyanendra Shukla
Jagresh K. Rana
P.S. Bhatnagar
Major Global Issues Concerning Plant Genetic Resources 
R.S. Rana
Private Sector Perspective on Seed Trade
R. S. Arora
Commercialisation of Biotechnology in India-Scope for Industry-Research Organization Alliances: Case of CSIR 
S. Visalakshi
Genetic Engineering Safety Considerations for Humans and for the Environment 
Jeo Cummins
Virus-resistant Papaya in Hawaii: A Success Story 
Jim Westwood