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Research Pillars

Global Economic Governance and Cooperation
Trade, Investment and Economic Cooperation
Trade Facilitation
Trade Facilitation, Connectivity and Regional Cooperation
New Technologies and Development Issues

Focus Areas/Our Initiatives

University Connect
G20 Digest

G20 has emerged as an important global forum over the years covering a whole range of multilateral issues such as trade & investment, global governance, digital technologies, infrastructure investment, international financial architecture, agriculture & food security, health and social sectors. In view of the diversity of issues and complex challenges the world is grappling with, the expectations from G20 has multiplied. It is imperative to comprehend and assess the rise of G20, and its role and function in shaping the future global order. In order to motivate and stimulate fresh ideas on G20 and its implications for global economy, RIS brings out the quarterly journal, G20 Digest, as a platform to compare, contrast and create new knowledge that matter for the people in the G20 countries and in rest of the world, including the developing countries, LDCs, SIDS, etc.


To enhance cooperation and dialogue on issues of global and regional security, developments in the global political space as well as the reform of the multilateral system to make it relevent for the 21st century. Cooperation on Countering Terrorism and its financing remains an important element under this pillar


The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a unique sub-regional grouping of seven countries including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Being the bridge between South Asia and Southeast Asia BIMSTEC attracts significant strategic and diplomatic attention in the recent years. Moreover, the grouping has consolidated its strength over two decades of existence in the 14 priority areas of regional cooperation. India attaches immense importance to BIMSTEC for deepening cooperation in the sub-region in trade, investment, connectivity and regional value chains.

RIS has been working on BIMSTEC cooperation since its inception. RIS is also a founder member of the BIMSTEC Network of Policy Think Tanks (BNPTT). RIS regularly brings out reports, discussion papers and policy briefs on various areas of cooperation within BIMSTEC, and organises seminars and conferences from time to time in collaboration with other think tanks from the member states.


The idea of Asia Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) emerged in the joint declaration issued by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in November 2016. The AAGC will envisage people centric sustainable growth strategy, details of which would be evolved through a process of detailed consultations across Asia and Africa, engaging various stakeholders.

The AAGC will be raised on four pillars of Development and Cooperation Projects, Quality Infrastructure and Institutional Connectivity, Enhancing Capacities and Skills and People-to-Peo...

Delhi Process

As part of regional focus, RIS has instituted a programme on Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) before its inception in 1997.

Its thinking and studies on regional economic integration in IORA have contributed immensely to the formation of IORA in the subsequent phases. As part of regional focus, RIS has instituted a programme on Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) before its inception in 1997. Its thinking and studies on regional economic integration in IORA have contributed immensely to the formation of IORA in the subsequent phases. From...


Global Development Centre (GDC) is a unique platform of RIS. It is promoting development programmes/flagship missions advocated by developing countries for their possible replication/adoption among its peer countries in the Global South. It aims to facilitate exchange of experiences and best practices among developing countries. GDC plans to create a global database of good practices and offers a platform for all developing countries to showcase their innovation and success stories.

Center for Maritime Economy and Connectivity (CMEC)
RIS Work Programme Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDGs Mirror India’s Development Agenda
With strong and effective knowledge network, the RIS has designed its research and consultation agenda on SDGs based on the following four core themes.

  • Inter-linkages of SDGs
  • Decentralised Planning for Effective Implementation
  • Global Means of Implementation
  • Monitoring and Evaluation

Global Pilot Programme on STI for SDGs

India played an important role in the negotiations for introduction of a UN driven global Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) as part of the SDGs. Accordingly, the proposal was first acknowledged in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA). Thereafter Paragraph 70 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development announced the launch of a “Technology Facilitation Mechanism” (TFM) in order to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  TFM was expected to facilitate multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnerships through the sharing of information, experiences, best practices and policy advice among Member States, civil society, the private sector, the scientific community, United Nations entities and other stakeholders. While the initial steps taken in this direction since 2016 were mostly deliberative in the form of the annual STI Forum and the constitution of the UN-Inter-agency Task Team (IATT) along with a global advisory body (the 10-Member group), concrete operational steps have now started to emerge as is evident from the adoption of the Global Pilot Programmes on STI for SDGs Roadmaps in 2019. 


Knowledge generated endogenously among the Southern partners can help in consolidation of stronger common issues at different global policy fora. Consequent to the consensus reached on many of these issues at the High-Level Conference of Southern Providers in Delhi (March 2013) and establishment of the subsequent Core Group on the SSC within the UNDCF (June 2013), the Network of Southern Think-Tanks (NeST) was formally launched at the Conference on the South-South Cooperation, held at New Delhi  during  10-11...


The FIDC aims to encourage detailed analysis of broad trends in South-South cooperation and contextualise Indian policies by facilitating discussions across various subject streams and stakeholders based on theoretical and empirical analysis, field work, perception surveys and capacity building needs. At the domestic level, the FIDC has worked towards raising the awareness about various dimensions of the development cooperation policies through seminars, discussion meetings and publications and focused on sectoral analysis in the areas of agriculture, health, education, HR development, infrastructure projects, environment and other social areas including gender and humanitarian assistance.

Forum For Indian Science Diplomacy (FISD)

FISD has been established by Science Diplomacy Program and is hosted at RIS. FISD is an initiative to link stakeholders in Indian Science Diplomacy and create opportunities for greater engagement with Science Diplomacy. FISD organizes webinars, seminars, publishes inter alia, reports. The webpage has details about various activities undertaken by FISD.

Science Diplomacy Program

RIS and National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore launched a major and India’s first Program on Science Diplomacy, with funding from the Department of Science and Technology. The program...


The Ministry of AYUSH has established the Forum on Indian Traditional Medicine (FITM) in RIS as a common platform for all actors and stakeholders to come together to contribute to pragmatic policy making in the area and to develop a proactive strategy to be espoused by India at the international level.

India has a rich resource of Traditional Medicine spanning across systems like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Yoga. These systems provide the much needed alternative in healthcare due to their accessibility, both physically and financially among almost 75 per cent of the rural population....


Blue economy has emerged as a commonly acceptable development paradigm which has effectively blended economic growth with sustainable development. Since the early 1990s, the global debate has enabled the world community to acknowledge the efficacy of the idea of Blue Economy.

The concept has been accepted and promoted by both developed and developing countries as a new development model for littoral countries, including small, medium, large, LDCs and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This development model started with the basic premise that...

Science, Technology And Innovation Policy (STIP) Forum And Monthly Lecture Series

New initiatives such as ‘Make in India, ‘Skill India’, Digital India’ and ‘Start Up India’ call for harnessing science, technology and innovation to meet multiple objectives. The central role of innovation in furthering economic development and employment generation is obvious. The government and the political leadership have also shown eagerness to make India a global leader in science and technology so that the gains from S&T could result in positive outcomes in different sectors including industry, agriculture, health care and education. This necessitates using the potential of national innovation system comprising R&D institutions, including universities, technology institutions, industry, government and other policy making bodies.

RIS as a policy research think tank, is committed to explore and understand science-society connect. Keeping this broad perspective in view, RIS, in collaboration with India Habitat Centre (IHC), and prominent institutions working on S&T issues, including The Energy Research Institute (TERI), Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/CEFIPRA) and Vigyan Prasar has launched the Science Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) Forum..


Considering the work of the ASEAN-India Eminent Persons Group (AIEPG), and its Report with recommendations for forging a closer partnership for peace, progress and shared prosperity, the Heads of the State/Government of ASEAN and India at the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit 2012, held at New Delhi on 19-20 December 2012, recommended the establishment of ASEAN India Centre (AIC) using existing resources at New Delhi. AIC was formally inaugurated by the Hon’ble External Affairs Minister of the Government of India at RIS on 21 June 2013.

The AIC is serving as a resource centre for ASEAN Member States and India to fill the knowledge gaps that currently limit the opportunities for cooperation. The AIC is closely working with both the ASEAN Divisi...


“One cannot but be captivated by the vision of an integrated market, spanning the distance from the Himalayas to the Pacific Ocean, linked by efficient road, rail, air and shipping services.

This community of nations (an Asian Economic Community, which encompasses ASEAN, China, Japan, Korea and India) would constitute an “arc of advantage”, across which there would be large-scale movement of people, capital, ideas and creativity. Such a community would be roughly the size of the European Union in terms of income and bigger than NAFTA in terms of trade.

It would account for hal...


Outcome report
BIMSTEC Synergies in Agricultural Trade: Promoting Regional Growth
Published Year: 2024
International Conference on Bay of Bengal and India-Japan Economic Relations (Outcome Document)
Published Year: 2024
India-Indonesia Partnership: A Renewed Understanding, New Opportunities and Critical Steps Ahead
Published Year: 2024
Exploring Cooperation in Sustainable Agriculture and Value Addition in BIMSTEC Region
Published Year: 2024
report sdg
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Roadmaps for India
Published Year: 2024
Volume 23
Investing in Early Years in Human Capital for Future Resilience: For an Inclusive and Equitable World
Published Year: 2024
Volume 2
Four Decades of RIS | Conceptual and Methodological Contributions
Published Year: 2023
Volume 1
Four Decades of RIS | Vision and Evolution
Published Year: 2023
Equitable Development Transformation with Technology: Relevance of the Indian Experience for Global South
Author Name
Sachin Chaturvedi
Jul, 2024
Trade and Environment: Tracking Environmental Provisions in Regional Trading Agreements (RTAs) to Make Appropriate Indian Stance
Author Name
Anshuman Gupta
Mar, 2024
India’s G20 Presidency as a Voice of Global South
Author Name
Sushil Kumar
Feb, 2024
Analyzing India-Nepal Economic Integration: Status, Challenges and Way Forward
Author Name
Feb, 2024
SDG Gaps and Technology Needs in Developing Countries: Scope for Locally Agile Technology Ecosystems
Author Name
Sabyasachi Saha
Feb, 2024
Adopting LiFE Globally for a Sustainable Future
Sep, 2024
Districts as Export Hubs: A Micro-level Trade Strategy
Aug, 2024
Mekong-Ganga Cooperation: Prospects for Synergies in Sub-regional Cooperation
Apr, 2024
Accessing Rare Earth Elements and Prospects for Manufacturing
Accessing Rare Earth Elements and Prospects for Manufacturing
Nov, 2021
Time to Reform Lines of Credit Striving for Efficiency & Effectiveness
Time to Reform Lines of Credit Striving for Efficiency & Effectiveness
Oct, 2021
  • spotlight
    Housing for All
    Jan, 2018
    Policy Spotlight No. 1
South-South Cooperation
South-South Cooperation: Latin American Theoretical Approaches
Aug, 2020
Rethinking Macroeconomic
Rethinking Macroeconomic Policies for Development
Sep, 2019
India-Russia Relations
India-Russia Relations in Global Context
Jan, 2018
G-20: In Search of a Role
Jan, 2015
Implementation of the Agreement on Agriculture: Issues and Options
Sep, 2002
Sudeshna Dey
Asian Economic Integration
Journal of Asian Economic Integration
Traditional Medicine Review
Asian Biotechnology
Asian Biotechnology Development Review
South Asia Economic Journal
South Asia Economic Journal
Science Diplomacy Review
Science Diplomacy Review
Development Cooperation Review
  • special
    Volume: Special Issue
    Aug, 2024
  • diary
    Volume: 20, No. 3
    Jul, 2024
  • April 2024
    Volume: 20, No. 2 (Hindi)
    Apr, 2024
  • diary
    Volume: 20, No. 2
    Apr, 2024


Monday, 21 October, 2024
Global perspectives on the Caribbean Development and Diplomacy
Thursday, 26 September, 2024
Second Indo-Pacific Economic Conclave (IPEC), Kolkata 26-27 September 2024
capacity building
Thursday, 19 September, 2024
Capacity Building Programme on Triangular Cooperation