A road India must travelShyam Saran , Hindustan Timesबृहस्पतिवार, 19 मार्च, 2015
Saarc countries to harmonize standards to boost tradeRam Upendra Das , LiveMintबृहस्पतिवार, 12 मार्च, 2015
India and a fragmented globeShyam Saran , Business Standardमंगलवार, 10 मार्च, 2015
India and a fragmented globeShyam Saran , Business Standardमंगलवार, 10 मार्च, 2015
Fresh perspectives needed to boost South Asian connectivityRam Upendra Das , East Asia Forumशनिवार, 21 फरवरी, 2015
Rationale for and constraints to south Asia-central Asia economic linkages – analysisRam Upendra Das , Eurasia Reviewशुक्रवार, 20 फरवरी, 2015
India and East Asia – Moving from the Margins to the CentreShyam Saranशनिवार, 14 फरवरी, 2015
Participation banking is real investment, says deputy PMRam Upendra Das , Daily Sabahबृहस्पतिवार, 12 फरवरी, 2015
The perils of China's slowing economyShyam Saran , Business Standardमंगलवार, 10 फरवरी, 2015
New deal to link South Asian nations in pipelineRam Upendra Das , LiveMintमंगलवार, 03 फरवरी, 2015