2016 |
Made a presentation on “A Framework for Blue Economy: Approach Towards Sustainable Marine Cooperation” at the 4th International Relations Conference on India and the Indian Ocean: Sustainability, Security and Development, organised by the Symbiosis School of International Studies, Symbiosis International University on 19 December 2016 at Pune. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on India-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement ( C E C P A ) Negotiations and India-Israel FTA Negotiations, held in the Department of Commerce on 15 December 2016 at New Delhi |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on Iran Custom Tariffs, held in the Department of Commerce on 13 December 2016 at New Delhi. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on Bilateral Trade Linkages of India with Iran, Bangladesh, Maldives and Afghanistan, held in the Department of Commerce on 9 December 2016 at New Delhi |
Nominated as a Jury Member for the Exim Bank International Economic Research Annual (IERA) Award Committee by the Export-Import Bank of India on 8 December 2016 |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on Developments in the Blue Economy, oganised by the FICCI Taskforce Committee on the Blue Economy on 6 December 2016 at New Delhi. |
Participated in the Seminar on Inter-linkages between Exports and Employment in India, organised by the Export-Import Bank of India on 5 December 2016 at New Delhi. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on Bilateral Trade Linkages of India with Iran, Bangladesh, Maldives and Afghanistan, held in the Department of Commerce, Government of India on 30 November 2016 at New Delhi. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on Expansion of India MERCOSUR PTA, held in the Department of Commerce, Government of India on 24 November 2016 in New Delhi. |
Participated as a Panellist in the Round-Table Discussion on The Commonwealth: Trade and Economic Opportunities, organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) on 9 November 2016 at New Delhi. |
Made a presentation on “Economic Dimensions of Fisheries in IORA at the 22nd Meeting of the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group, held at Jakarta 12 October 2016. |
Led the Indian Delegation at the 22nd Meeting of the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group, held at Jakarta, 10-14 October 2016. |
Nominated as Member of the Expert Committee on Normally Traded Commodities reconstituted by the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) |
Nominated as Member of the Task Force on Blue Economy constituted by FICCI. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on ‘SAARC Study - Tariff Schedules’ held in the Department of Commerce, Government of India in New Delhi on 18 August 2016 |
Participated in the meeting of the Drafting Committee for the Knowledge Report on Blue Economy, organised by FICCI in New Delhi on 17 August 2016. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting regarding Study on India’s Economic Relations with Rest of South Asia: Country Study Series, held in the Department of Commerce, Government of India in New Delhi on 3 August 2016. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on Second IORA Blue Economy Dialogue, held at ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar on 15-19 July 2016. |
Participated in the First Meeting of FICCI Task Force on Blue Economy, organised by FICCI in New Delhi on 25 July 2016. |
Made a presentation on “A Framework for Blue Economy: Towards a Sustainable Ocean Policy in India” at the National Seminar on ‘India and the Ocean Economy’, organised by the ICWA, in New Delhi on 11 July 2016 |
Participated in the Roundtable Dialog ue for international conference on the theme 'India and the Indian Ocean:Sustainability, Securityand Development', and made a presentattion on 'India and Indian Ocean: Emerging Regional Issues' , organised by Symbosis School of International Studies in New Delhi on 2 June 2016. |
Participated in the Roundtable discussion on ‘Trade Strategy on the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC)’, organised by the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry in New Delhi on 27 May 2016 |
Made a presentation on ‘Rising Importance of the Blue Economy Engagement of India with Its South Asian Partners’at the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi on 27 April 2016 |
Made a presentation on “Resurging IORA with Expanding Cooperation in Trade: Addressing Regional Imbalance with GVC Sector” at the International Conference on ‘Emerging Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean’, organised by the Society for Indian Ocean Studies (SIOS) in New Delhi on 19 March 2016 |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on Draft Report of the Joint Study Group (JSG) on COMESA, held at the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industries on 18 March 2016. |
Participated in the Discussion on ‘Bangladesh and North- Eastern States of India (BNESI)’ organised by the Institute for Policy, Advocacy and Governance (IPAG) through Skype on 29 February 2016. |
Made a presentation on ‘Blue Economy’ at the Seminar on ‘Good Order At Sea: India’s Role’, organised by UGC Centre for Maritime Studies, Pondicherry University at Pondicherry on 18-19 February. |
Participated in the launching of the ‘Third FICCI/ PwC Strategy and India Manufacturing Barometer’ in New Delhi on 9 February 2016. |
Participated in an Interactive Session on ‘WTO Nairobi Ministerial Outcomes and India’s Future Trade Policy Priorities’, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Centre for WTO Studies in New Delhi on 27 January 2016. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on ‘Trade Policy Issues’ held in the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry on 7 January 2016. |
Made presentations on ‘Salient Features of RIS Blue Economy Report ’ and ‘ Economic Dimensions of Fisheries in IORA’ in the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group Meeting (IORAG) under Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Council of Ministers (COM) Meeting at Padang, Indonesia on 20 October 2015 |
Participated as India’s representative in the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group Meeting (IORAG) under Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Council of Ministers (COM) Meeting at Padang, Indonesia, during 18-24 October 2015 |
Participated in the Meeting upcoming IORA Council of Ministers Meeting (CoMM),held in the Ministry of ExternalAffairs, Government of India, New Delhi on 30 September 2015. |
Made a presentation on ‘Blue Economy as a Driver of Economic Growth’ at the Indian Ocean Dialogue 2015 organised by the Department of Foreign Trade, Australian Government; IORA; ORF and Future Directions International, Australia in Perth, Australia on 5-7 September 2015. |
Participated in the Meeting on Towards a Comprehensive Framework for the Blue Economy in IORA, held at the Central Statistical Office(CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Government of India in New Delhi on 6 August 2015. |
Participated in the Meeting on Prospects of Blue Economy in the Indian Ocean Rim at the National Shipping Board in New Delhi on 4 August 2015. |
Made a presentation on ‘Towards a Comprehensive Framework for the Blue Economy in IORA’ at the Ministry of External Affairs,Government of India in New Delhi on 2 August 2015. |
Participated in the Meeting on Blue Economy held at the National Statistical Commission, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation in New Delhi on 29 July 2015. |
Participated in the Meeting on ‘Blue Economy and Reviewing the Mining Sector in Indian Context’ held at the Ministry of Mines in New Delhi on 27 July 2015. |
Delivered a lecture at the International Summer School (ISS) on ‘India and China in the World Economy: Emerging Trends in Trade and Investment',organised by the Jamia Milia Islamia Central University in New Delhi on 16 July 2015. |
Made a presentation o n ‘Biological Resources Trade Classification for India’, at the Meeting of Reconstituted Expert Committee on Normally Traded Commodities, organised by the National Biodiversity Authority of India in Goa on 17 May 2015. |
Participated in discussion Meeting on Trade Potentials of India in Africa with Joint Secretary FT (Africa Division), FT (WANA), EP (CHEMEXCIL) and Administration of EP (CAP), EP (Textiles), PLEXCONCIL and FT (NEA), at Ministry of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi on 11 May 2015. |
Made a presentation on ‘IndiaChina Trade Relationship with Africa’ at the Africa Division, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, New Delhi on 9 May 2015. |
Participated in Discussion Meeting on China and the Asia Pacific Region Issues in the US Embassy, New Delhi on 15 April 2015. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting on NBA and NTC m a t t e r s , o r g a n i s e d b y Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturers’ Association in New Delhi on 10 April 2015. |
Made a presentation in the Ninth Meeting of the (Third of the Reconstituted) Expert Committee on Normally Traded Commodities of National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) at the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences in New Delhi on 16 March 2015. |
Made a presentation on COMESA in Ministry of Commerce on 11 March 2015, New Delhi |
Made a presentation on ‘IndiaAfrica Economic Dynamics: Changing Shades of Bilateral Relationship in An Era of Global Uncertaintie’ at the Conference on Third IndiaAfrica Strategic Dialogue on the theme ‘India-Africa: Building Synergies in Peace, Security and Development’, organised by Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA), New Delhi on 3-4 March 2015. |
Participated in the Discussion Meeting with CII regarding IOR Conference and Making India at New Delhi on 5 February 2015 |
Made a presentation on ‘IndiaChina Economic Relationship’ at Centre for Chinese Studies, SIS – JNU, New Delhi on 21 January 2015. |
Made a presentation on ‘Surging of Mega FTAs in the Indo-Pacific: Implications for India’ in the Conference on ‘Regional Integration in the Indo-Pacific: Prospects and Challenges’ organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in New Delhi on 25 November 2014. |
Participated in the meeting on ‘ India - COMESA Joint Study Report’ organised by the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India in New Delhi on 20 November 2014. |
Participated in the Eighth Meeting of the (Second of the Reconstituted) Expert Committee on Normally Traded Commodities organised by the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) in Hyderabad on 13 November 2014. |
Participated in the meeting on ‘India in the Emerging Global Order: Political, Strategic and Economic Dynamics’ organised by ICWA & SIS JNU in New Delhi on 10-12 November 2014. |
Participated in the meeting of University Mobility in the Indian Ocean (UMIOR) organised by AIU in New Delhi 10 November 2014. |
Made a presentation on ‘The Sustainability Issue in India’s Bilateral Trade Imbalance with China and Regional Disparity in Trade in China’ in the Seminar on ‘China’s Strategic and Economic Rise: Reverberations in Asia’ organised by the Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) in New Delhi on 21 October 2014 |
Made a presentation on ‘The Dynamic Trade Relationship between India and Vietnam’ in a Round Table Discussion:‘Indo-Vietnamese Co-operation in Emerging Asia’ organised by Pahle India Foundation (PIF) in New Delhi on 20 October 2014. |
Participated as the Indian Focal Point of the Academic Group in the 4th IORA Council of Ministers’ Meeting and other related Meetings held in Perth, Australia on 6-9 October 2014. |
Made a presentation on ‘Towards Formation of a Comprehensive Fishing Management Organisation in IORA’ in Second Trilateral Dialogue on Indian Ocean Rim Association, organised by Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), in Canberra, Australia, on 8-9 September 2014. |
Made a presentation on ‘Towards a Comprehensive Trade Strategy for India: Accessing Trade and Opportunities in Africa and China’ in Ministry of Finance on 31 July 2014.. |
Made a presentation on ‘Shaping the Indian Development Cooperation Approach in A Theoretical Framework: Mission Approach’ and ‘Comments: Prosper Thy Neighbour: India’s Cooperation with South Asia’ in the conference on India’s Soft Power: The Emerging Dynamics of Indian Development Cooperation, organised by Asia Foundation in New Delhi on 22-23 May 2014. |
Made a presentation on ‘Changing Shade of Economic Priorities in IORA: Trade and Investment Interest of Dialogue Partners in the Region’at the International Symposium on ‘Going beyond ASEAN-Challenges and Opportunities for the Rise of Indian Ocean Rim Economy and its implications for Japan’ organised by Japan Research Institute and METI, Government of Japan in Tokyo on 20 March 2014. |
Made a presentation on ‘Evaluation of India’s Trade Linkages with China’ at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies on 3 December 2013. |
Made a presentation on ‘Deepening Investment Cooperation in South Asia: Impact on Development of the Region’ in an International Conference on Towards an Asian Century Future of Economic Cooperation in SAARC Countries organised by Islamabad Policy Research Institute and Hanns Seidel Foundation in Islamabad, Pakistan on 20-21 November 2013. |
Made a presentation on ‘Are Indian Exports Consistent with the Global Demand? How Regional Approach Promotes Exports?’ at the PHD Chamber of Commerce on 9 October 2013. |
Made a presentation on ‘Changing Wind across the Indian Ocean: A Comprehensive Approach towards Trade and Investment in IOR-ARC’ at the International Conference on Trilateral Dialogue on Indian Ocean (TDIO) organised by the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) in New Delhi on 19-20 September 2013. |
Made a presentation on ‘Changing Trade Complementarities between India and Vietnam’ at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies on 21 August 2013. |
Made a presentation on ‘India-China Bilateral Trade Relationship’ at Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai on 4 July 2013. |
Made a presentation on ‘Regional Value Chain in South Asia: Some Emerging Issues’ in an International Conference on Strategic Partnership for Policy Development in New Delhi on 13 June 2013. |
Made a presentation on ‘China and Regional Trade in South Asia’ in an International Conference on India-Nepal Trade and Investment organised by Observer Research Foundation and South Asia Institute of Management in New Delhi on 22 April 2013.
Made a presentation on Regional Architecture in Asia: Role of India and Australia, Australia-India Roundtable organised by the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi on 4-5 December 2012. |
Made a presentation on India’s Engagement with Regionalism at India Development Foundation in Gurgaon on 12 November 2012. |
Made a presentation on India-COMESA Economic Relationship for Ministry of Commerce and Industries in the 1st Meeting of the India-COMESA Joint Study Group for Free Trade Agreement at the Secretariat, Lusaka, Zambia on 30-31 July 2012. |
Made a presentation on India: Biodiversity and Trade: Some Issues for Discussion, at the sideline event of Second Intergovermental Committee Meeting for Nagoya Protocol on ABS (ICNP-2) organised by CoP 10 in New Delhi on 2 July 2012. |
Made a presentation on Economic Growth, Exports and Domestic Demand: In Search of a New Paradigm of Development at an International Conference organised by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing on 26 June 2012. |
Made a presentation on India-China Bilateral Trade Relationship, for the Executive Committee, Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai on 4 June 2012. |
Made a presentation on Issues of Classification, Trade and Links to NTCs, Under the Act, Report of the Group-3 at National Biodiversity Authority in Chennai on 14 April 2012. |
Made a presentation on Trade Dimensions of Normally Traded Commodities: Some Issues for Discussion at National Biodiversity Authority in Chennai on 13 April 2012.
Participated in the International Workshop on Rising Non-tariff Protectionism and Crisis Recovery, organized by ARTneT-ESCAP at Macao on 14-15 December 2009. |
Made a presentation on Consistency of Indian Exports with the Global Demand: Relevance of Regional Approach to Promote Exports in the Ministry of Finance, New Delhi on 27 October 2009. |
Made a presentation on Trade Prospects of IOR-ARC in the New Millennium, 15th Meeting of the IORAG held on 20 June 2009 at Sana’a, Yemen. |
Participated in the Inter-Ministerial Meeting on IBSA Working Group and the Focal Points, held in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi on 11 June 2009. |
Made a presentation in the Workshop on Development Policy: Questions for the Future, organized by German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn, Germany on May 7, 2009. |
Participated in the International Seminar on Developmental States in Africa: What prospects and Whose Interest?, organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, Germany on 28-29 April 2009. |
Made a presentation on Implications of the Crisis on International Cooperation and Trade: A Southern Perspective at the Global Governance School Workshop and Conference on Global Governance at a Crossroad: What about Global Solutions?, organized by German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn, Germany on 16 April 2009. |
Made a presentation on Evaluation of India’s Trade Linkages with China in the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai on 6 April 2009. |
Participated in the Research Workshop on Emerging Trade Issues for Policymakers in Developing Countries of Asia and the Pacific -New Era of Trade Governance, organized by ESCAP on 5-6 March 2009 in Manila. |
Made a presentation on Independence of Think-Tanks in Developing Countries at the International Conference on the Role of Think-tanks in Developing Countries, organized by Information and Decision Support Centre (IDSC), Cairo, Egypt on 17-18 January 2009. |
Delivered a lecture on Global Financial Crisis and Implications for the India’s External Sector at the Refresher Course for University Teachers, Kerala University, held at Tiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 24 October 2008. |
Delivered lectures on Economic Aspects of Regional Integration among Developing Countries; and Regional Reading Arrangements: Some Issues Relating to Theory and Practice, at the Training Programme for University Teachers, organized by UNCTAD and Centre for Development Studies on 24-25 October 2008 at Tiruvananthapuram, Kerala. |
Participated in the Ministerial Meetings of Indian Ocean Rim-Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC) held in Tehran on 29 April 2008 as Member of the Official Delegation from India. |
Made a presentation on Trade in Environmentally Sensitive Goods and Sustainable Development in Asian Countries at the International Workshop on Building the Common Good in Asia, held on 9-16 September 2007 in Beijing, China. |
Made a presentation on India’s Trade Performances under Reforms at the FSI Training Programme, held in New Delhi on 28 August 2007. |
Made a presentation on WTO Moratorium on Electronically Delivery Software: A Developing Country Perspective Based on Indian Experience at the 2007 EAIEL ICT Research Network Symposium, organized by then East Asian International Economic Law and Policy Programme, The University of Hong Kong on 23-24 August 2007, Hong Kong. |
Made a presentation on India and East Asia Integration at the Workshop on India-Southeast Asia Relations, organized by the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi on 18 August 2007. |
Delivered a lecture on Non-Agricultural Market Access Negotiations: Development Dimensions of Developing Countries at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on 25 July, 2007, New Delhi. |
Participated in the Seventh IOR-ARC Ministerial and Academic Group meetings, held in Tehran, Iran on 3 March 2007. |
Participated in the Seminar on “Employment and Development - Good Jobs, Bad Jobs”, organized by ICRIER in New Delhi on 13 November 2006. |
Participated in the Workshop on “Post-Doha Agenda for Developing Countries” on 30-31 October, 2006 and “Third ARTNeT Consultative Meeting of Policymakers and Research Institutions” organized by UNESCAP on 1-2 November, 2006 in Macao, China. |
Presented a paper on “Towards India-SACU PTA: Emerging Policy Option” at the Seminar on ‘India-SACU PTA: Opportunities and Challenges’ organized by ASSOCHAM on 6 October 2006. |
Participated in the First Sub-Regional Workshop on Trade and Environment in the Pacific, organized by UNESCAP in Suva, Fiji on 7-8 June 2006. |
Made a presentation in the Workshop on Managing Global Governance, organized by the German Development Institute and InWEnt in Bonn, Germany on 29-31 March 2006. |
Made a presentation at the Conference on IBSA Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges, organized by ASSOCHAM in New Delhi on 10 March 2006. |
Paper on WTO Agreement on Agriculture, Liberalisation in Select Industrialised Countries, and Implications for Developing Countries: A CGE Modelling Analysis (co-author) was presented in the International Conference on International Trade organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata on 2-3 January 2006. |
Participated in the Regional Seminar on Economic Cooperation in South Asia organized by CUTS-CITEE in association with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, New Delhi in Colombo, Sri Lanka on May 7-9, 2005. |
Made a presentation on RTAs in Asia at the UNDP and NSI Conference on Trade, held in Penang, Malaysia on November 22-24, 2004. |
Made a presentation on the implications of different provisions of the Marrakesh Agreement on the export prospects of India’s handicraft exports in the Department of Handicraft, Ministry of Textile, on April 12, 2004. |
Made a presentation on the prospects of India’s export in the context of changing global situation, particularly in the Post-Cancun period, in the Ministry of Commerce on April 2, 2004. |
Made a presentation on the "Towards India-ASEAN FTA and Beyond" in the International Seminar on "India-ASEAN: Post-Summit Perspective", held in Hyderabad on July 3-5, 2003. |
Made a presentation on India's Bilateral Maritime Trade with Japan at a discussion meeting with the delegation from Japan, received by the Indian Ocean Society on June 19, 2003. |
Made a presentation on the Trade Prospects of India's Handicraft Sector in the WTO Regime in the Ministry of Textiles (Handcraft), New Delhi on May 26, 2003. |
Presented a paper on "Implication of SAPTA on Intra-regional Trade Flows of the South Asian Region: An Empirical Assessment" at the Expert Group Meeting on Regional Trade Agreements in Asia, organized by UNESCAP in Bangkok on January 30-31, 2003. |
Participated in the International Conference on "Indo-Canada Dialogue on East Asia and Regional Cooperation" as a discussant, organized by Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi on February 14-15, 2003. |
Presented a paper on "Implication of SAPTA on Intra-regional Trade Flows of the South Asian Region: An Empirical Assessment" at the Expert Group Meeting on Regional Trade Agreements in Asia, organized by UNESCAP in Bangkok on January 30-31, 2003. |
Made presentation on Some Estimates of Gains from Regional Economic Integration in Asia at the Workshop on The Future of East Asia: Institutional and Structural Changes, held in Bali on 30 September-1 October, 2002. |
Presented a paper entitled, “Trade Implication of Removal of NTBs in the Agricultural Sector in India in the Context of WTO” in the seminar on “Issues before the WTO in the Next Millennium”, held at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi on 1 June 1998. |
Presented paper on “Assessing prospects of Intra-regional Trade in IOR-ARC: Estimating Potentials of Trade Creation and Trade Diversion for India” in the seminar on “Regional Cooperation in Indian Ocean Region”, organised by Osmania University, Hyderabad on 11-13 Feb.1999. |