Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission Statements

Vision Statement

To be a leading knowledge resource centre and catalyst for transforming India's maritime sector, by providing evidence based inputs towards sustainable accelerated growth of India's maritime sector, through stakeholder integration at national, bilateral, regional and multi-lateral levels.

Mision Statement

  • Research: Conduct cutting-edge research on maritime connectivity, trade, infrastructure, technology, policy, governance and providing evidence-based insights. Build coherent research findings assessing resource needs for systematic growth and diversification of the maritime sector.
  • Policy: Policy related research that promotes efficient, inclusive and sustainable maritime growth, addressing the needs of diverse stakeholders, generating livelihoods.
  • Capacity Building Empower stakeholders through training, workshops, and knowledge-sharing initiatives to enhance their understanding of maritime issues, related to coastal community development, inland waterways, cruise tourism and coastal economy.
  • Co-operation: Forge strategic partnerships with national and international organizations, research institutions, industry leaders, and government agencies to foster collaboration and exchange of best practices, technologies in maritime fields of interest. Promote regional cooperation and collaboration with regional partner countries and fora. Promote maritime clusters by identification of relevant partners and models for collaboration and investment.
  • Technology:To provide valuable technology insights and recommendations on Blue Economy for enhancing performance, productivity and efficiency of the maritime sector; adopt green initiatives and sustainable growth and promote futuristic technologies and innovation led transformation of shipping, ports, shipbuilding, repairs and re-cycling industry.
  • Outreach and Dissemination:Disseminate findings, recommendations, policy briefs and recommendations through publications, conferences, workshops, and digital platforms to raise awareness and drive action in India's maritime sector at national and international level.